Industries We Serve

Our Clients

At KAFT CPA we deliver professional accounting services and personal tax advice to a wide variety of businesses. However, we specialize in servicing three diverse types of clients.

Professional Accounting Services for Medical Practices

Doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists and other medical professionals have accounting and bookkeeping responsibilities and timelines that, frankly, others simply don’t. Add a layer of privacy protection on top of everything that gets done and you can quickly see—it’s important to choose an accounting firm that’s skilled in working with the medical field.

At KAFT CPA, we can assume responsibility for all your bookkeeping, accounting and tax issues so you can concentrate on doing what you do best: helping Albertans with their medical needs.

Oil and Gas Accounting Services

Are you a contract worker? A full-time employee? Or a business owner providing services? Working in Alberta’s oil and gas industry can be confusing, but KAFT CPA can help you sort it all out.

We have years of experience helping the workers who drive our province’s economy, and we can help you, too.

Accountants for Small Business Owners

When you run a large corporation, it’s easy to separate the president’s personal life from his or her business career. But as an entrepreneur, you know all too well that the lines between personal and business can sometimes get blurred.

Nowhere is this more clear than at tax time. Fortunately, our professional accounting services for small businesses can help you sort things out—and make running your company a much easier proposition in the future.

Need an accountant who specializes in medical practices, oil and gas, small business and more?
Book your free 30-minute "Success Check" today.